Monday, October 18, 2010


Ingredients Quantity

Biscuit Base

Refined flour 170 gm
Powder sugar 85 gm
Margarine 85 gm
Baking powder ¼ tsp
Vanilla essence few drops
Milk (cold) 45 ml


Yellow jam 115 gm
Red and green coloring
Butter icing – little


1. Sift flour and baking powder.
2. Cream margarine and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Add essence to milk.
4. Work in flour with hands using as much milk as necessary to make pliable dough.
5. Roll out and cut even number of biscuits using a cutter.
6. On half the number cut out three holes with a half inch Savoy nozzle.
7. Bake at 150 C for about 30 minutes.
8. Sandwich a plain biscuit with a holed one using a thin layer of butter icing.
9. Sprinkle over the icing sugar and fill each hole with different coloured jam, yellow green and red.

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